Thursday, February 09, 2006

There is Treasure Everywhere!

Nothing is challenging as work! It is all the more challenging... If it works on your Mind rather than Body... It exhausts you mentally rather than physically...
But then again, people around fail to understand that the spirit in Helen Keller who inspite of being Blind, Deaf and eventually Dumb made a mark in the Books of the World... She has been recognized and her fighting spirit talked of at length... But did any normal human being try to adopt a similar approach to survival... And they say "Why doesn't he realize the importance of completing the assigned job!? These people are such a pain!"
No wonder they say Necessity is the mother of Invention!
Has anyone created anything unless and until pressurized to make life easy!
Why are we humans not interested in the fighting spirit and when I say fighting why does it always have to be with weapons! what makes us take everything in the hard core literary sense!
I personally do not advocate Non-violence as preached by the Mahatma... but we can make an attempt to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, which seems to be the only thing on the minds of all people intersted in self... at the fore front or at the back in seclusion!!!
How many of you respect the Mahatma and how many of you his ideas? There is a subtle difference again!
Coz' I believe that a person needs to be respected as a common man! and not as a great leader! I am not cribbing nor am I complaining but there has not been due recognition of the right kind of people and the right kind of talent in them!
There have been a lot of discrepancies in the starting stages of life... But it is a different issue that no body complains any bit!
But has anybody ventured a step further and hunted down the pool of assets! B'coz 'There is Treasure Everywhere'

Note: The author has cited the Mahatma as an example only. The author further makes it clear that he neither wishes to hurt the feelings of anybody nor instigate anybody against anyone!


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