Friday, December 05, 2008

Mergers and Acquisitions!

The olfactory nerve gets a tingling sensation at the very sound of the words Mergers and Acquisitions! The network of nerves from there go on a rise, as if a giant wave has just sweeped the waters of the ocean. And its all over the papers the next day... well, in fact, the same day (it gets leaked to the media immediately!).

With all the fancy vocabulary, the news is spashed all over the world. But, the firms involved feel the pressure well before the scheduled announcement. Layoffs, shifts, screw-ups and what not! There will be a plethora of losses and gains both on the professional and personal front. People tend to lose their cool more often. Jobs, financial stability, market volatility, inflation... everything is pushed into the light.

For those, who are fortunate enough to stay stuck to their designations, things are a little better. But, consider the financial transactions, the paper currency, the assets and everything that changes hands. Someone needs to keep a record of all of it. Much worse would be the case, if the transaction would involve different currencies. With the impact of what not, the exhcange rates have become more volatile with the passing hour.

You might also hear in the inner circles; woes of people who prepare the summary of the financial statement debating with their conscience on the rates to be used. What has collided with the world so badly, that the impact is felt on the individual's mantle? People are helpless... or do they act helpless.? Well... I may not be well equipped with justifications...I am just the innocent bystander to all this madness.


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